Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Simmering Below the Surface

Progress continues to move at a rapid pace as the team readies for the coming winter weather. This has been the week for a lot of underground work. The plumbing and electrical have been installed underground in most areas of the building. DTE has been on-site installing new underground wiring to nearby buildings. A storm sewer system is going in beginning at Hannan Road and heading east. Steel structural work has been completed in the ground and a concrete floor poured over much of the footprint of the building. The nature trails are moving along. Carpenters have begun work installing bridges across the wetlands on the path.

From the South End (Week 5)

From the North End (Week 5)

Concrete Floor Poured

Storm Sewer Being Installed

Bridges over wetlands begun on Nature Trail

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Sneak Peek at the new Nature Trail!

The NeuroCare Expansion involves more than just a new building. We'll also be increasing parking, establishing a new entry along Hannan Road, and incorporating some new amenities to the overall campus including a pond with waterfall, gazebo, accessible fishing areas, and a nature trail. 

The nature trail and walking/rolling path are being readied along the perimeter of the property to highlight the wetlands and wildlife habitat in the area. It is a very serene, beautiful path carved out of the woods. As much of the natural elements of the area will be preserved as possible. The path has been cleared, excavated, and graded in preparation for the pavement. it will be paved this fall in tandem with the new drive and parking lots.

Here is a sneak peek at the trail!

Week 2: Clearing and establishing the path

A view along the beautiful nature trail area
Clearing the Path

Week 4: The path has been leveled,
graded and readied for pavement

Smoothing out the path and making it level

Wetlands are left untouched and a
boardwalk will be built over the wetland areas
Sand brought in, readying for pavement

Celebrate National Physical Therapy Month With Some "Smart Moves" for Your Family

In recognition of National Physical Therapy Month, the American Physical Therapy Association is focusing on fitness and wellness. The organization offers these tips for families to prevent and combat obesity.

● Plan weekend family activities involving physical activity, such as hiking, swimming, bicycling, mini-golf, tennis, or bowling.

● Help your child plan physical activities with friends and neighbors, such as skating or softball.

● Have your kids brainstorm a “rainy day” game plan of indoor activities such as fitness games such as Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution.

● Remember that your family does not need to join a health club or buy fancy equipment to be active. Walking is inexpensive and easy. So is designing a backyard obstacle course. Weights can be made from soda or detergent bottles filled with sand or water!

● Provide positive rewards for your child when he or she engages in physical activities, such as workout clothes, a new basketball, or an evening of roller-skating.

● Provide positive feedback about your child's lifestyle changes. Remember not to focus on the scale (for you or your child).

● Be your child's "exercise buddy." Plan daily walks or bike rides and set goals together for increasing physical activity rather than for losing weight. It’s also great “bonding” time!

● As you schedule your child's extracurricular activities, remember to plan time for exercise and activity as a priority for the entire family. Don't just "squeeze it in."

● Encourage children to try individualized sports such as tennis and swimming. Studies show such activities are the basis of lifelong fitness habits.

● Parents and children can do exercises while watching television (or at least during commercials), such as sit-ups, push-ups or running in place. Discourage snacking or eating meals while watching.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Footings, Paving, Plumbing and More

So much progress is happening this week! It's hard to even keep up with all of the activity.

The construction team has been pouring footings around the perimeter of the new building since late last week with the goal of 200' per day. They are near completion. Masons are laying footing blocks around the building going wing by wing. The new building has 4 wings, 3 with all private rooms for clients and one wing for administration and common areas. Two wings will have in-wall panels so oxygen can be piped right into the building eliminating the need for free standing equipment in rooms for clients with respiratory needs.

When the expansion is complete, staff and visitors will drive to the NeuroCare Campus from a new entrance off of Hannan Road. This will eliminate almost all traffic from Chase Road, which is a residential street, improving safety for residents and neighbors. The new Hannan Road entrance, entry drive, nature trail, and new parking lots have been an important focus this week. Electricians have installed the lighting infrastructure along the drive and irrigation sleeves are also being installed in coordination with the pavement work. A stone pavement base has been installed along the new drive from Hannan and the final positioning has been staked out in preparation for paving which may begin as early as next week.

Go Team Go!

Building pad for the new structure

Laying the foundation block

View from the North End

View from the South End

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hooray for Trees!

During the phase in clearing the land for the site, the team was able to save several trees. They were excavated and moved to new areas to use along the entrance drive and parking areas.

9 big pine trees, including these 3, were transplanted

Workers transplanting trees

These trees were saved and moved from other areas to
this section along the new entry drive

Monday, October 18, 2010

Clients' Gift Will Make a Difference

A plaque with the names of Special Tree clients from the Community Living Skills (CLS) group at NCC now hangs on a very special cage at the Huron Valley Humane Society.   Over the next six months, the animals that make this cage their temporary home will have good food, a soft blanket, and special treats, thanks to a generous donation from the CLS group.   Since January, clients Bret, Clara, Tim, Jim, Marv, and John, worked with facilitators Nicole, Kristin, and students Lauren and Courtney to raise the $300 needed to sponsor a cage at the shelter through bake sales and bottle drives.  The group was so excited to reach their fundraising goal, and celebrated by going to the shelter on October 12th to personally presented a $300 check.  In addition to the money, the clients also donated three large boxes of food, bedding, and toys which they collected from staff, friends, and family.   A special thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraisers and donated items! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Preparing for the Foundation and Starting the Hannan Road Entrance

What a week it has been!

With the site cleared from last week's efforts, preparations are underway to ready the ground and prepare for the "building pad." This is the area which will serve as the foundation for the building. Excavators are digging a trench around the perimeter of the new building to pour the footings. As always, safety is a key concern so there will always be an area left for evacuation and a clear path in and out of the areas of the current building which may be affected.  Workers will even out the ground and lay stone and material for a level foundation.

Finally, excavators are simultaneously working to ready the Hannan Road entrance, drive, new parking lot, and the nature trail, for pavement. The current focus is getting the key elements done to the ground and structure of the building before the winter weather sets in, and so far the team is beating their timeline! Great job everyone.

Excavating near the existing Therapy Area

View from the North End

View from the South End

Another view from the South End

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Safety First

The most important goal of the NCC Expansion project is to maintain the safety of our clients, staff, crew and visitors at all times. The Special Tree project team has done a tremendous job in planning for the issues and needs during the construction.  Some of the key elements of the safety plan include:
  • Ongoing communication with the therapy staff on means of egress in case of an emergency. The therapy clinic is the only area of the existing building that is critically affected by the ongoing construction.
  • Safety rounds/audits twice a day to assure that the grounds are maintained in the safest manner
  • Barriers to keep anyone not part of the construction team out of the construction area
  • Signs posted for visitors and staff to not be walking the track or entering the construction area
  • Conducting routine risk assessments throughout the project
  • Daily communication with the construction team leader to assess the next day’s plans and communicate any concerns to staff to enhance their awareness
  • Ongoing communication witht the Romulus Fire Marshall
  • Regular assessment of safety needs, evaulation current efforts, and making needed adjustments to our practices
For questions or to suggest ideas, contact Vickie Lambert, NeuroCare Center Safety Officer, at

Monday, October 11, 2010

Construction is Underway

The trucks and crews are busy in motion as the site is cleared and construction begins on the new NeuroCare Center building in Romulus.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Site is Cleared!

Wow! So much has already happened since the groundbreaking last week. Construction workers and equipment are busy everywhere we look. The land has been cleared to ready the site for the project. The gazebo has been moved, the sidewalk demo done, and we've even 'blazed a trail' for the new walking path for the nature trail in the woods and wetland areas.

Next, they will begin to prepare the building pad - leveling out the ground, removing debris, clearing top soil (which will be stored and used later), and begin work on the retention pond.

Staff are in good spirits seeing how much progress is already in the works. Clients are watching the action from a safe distance. Thanks everyone for pulling together to keep safety a top concern, and for being cooperative and in good cheer as you adjust to modified parking and the buzz of construction as the new soundtrack to the day.

Week 2 Photo Updates:
View from NCC Parking Lot: Week 1
View from NCC Parking Lot: Week 2
View near big tree: Week 1
View near big tree: Week 2

View of existing building's pool: Week 1

View of existing building pool: Week 2
Looking toward rear of Heavlin: Week 1
Looking toward rear of Heavlin: Week 2
View from North End: Week 1
View from North End: Week 2
View from North End with Heavlin: Week 2
New view with land cleared, sideway view toward entrance of new building

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Think Pink!

By Jessica Bahny
Activities Team
NeuroCare Center

The month of October is upon us again. Aside from the familiar October colors, the fall browns, reds, golds, and of course, orange- one other color has begun to wiggle its way into the month normally associated with pumpkins and gourds. On your trips out to the store recently, you may have noticed the color pink jumping out at you from the shelves. Everything from clothing and hats to coffee mugs and even kitchen appliances are blazoned with the famous “pink ribbon”.

If you’ve wandered down the halls here at Special Tree lately, you’ll see our staff sporting pink gloves! That’s right! Everyone from nurses to housekeepers are wearing pink pearl gloves in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Support Services Coordinator Vickie Lambert collaborated with Medline, our supplies company, to use this as a fun, unique way to support a cause that hits home for many of us. For each box of gloves purchased, Medline donates $1 for breast cancer research. On the floor, the consensus is clear. The staff are having fun with the pink gloves, and it’s a great statement as well.

Vickie says to look forward to blue gloves to support Brain Injury Awareness Month in March. How cool is that ?!