Monday, April 28, 2014

Ready for Prom

Spring is finally here, and while everyone is gearing up for the warmer weather, Special Tree clients got to gear up for prom.

Special Tree’s annual Spring Fling Dance for clients and alumni is almost here, and this year’s event has a special theme: prom night. The idea to do a prom for Spring Fling came from a Special Tree client who expressed her goal of attending prom.

“We’re pulling out all the stops to make it a memorable night,” said Special Tree staff Debbie Justice, who has organized Spring Fling since 2000.  To help clients get ready for prom, the Spring Fling Prom Committee held “Diva Day” on April 5th where clients had the chance to pick out dresses, shoes and accessories. Over 40 dresses were gathered for interested clients to pick out, try on and model – an opportunity that put smiles on everyone’s faces.  
“I am terribly excited. Everything came out so great and everyone here is so wonderful,” said client Kelly R. “I really appreciate everything.”
Most of the dresses were donated thanks to the efforts of the Facebook group “Everything is Free,” a page for donating and receiving items and services.  The page’s creator Brianne Blanks said events like Diva Day is why she originally started the group and that she and her friends were happy to donate articles of clothing.
“We were so happy to be able to donate to these women,” said Blanks. “Every girl deserves to have that prom night and we’re so happy we could be a part of this.”
The event was a hit. Clients from all over Special Tree gathered to try on dresses and the reactions alone were enough to mark this Diva Day as one that will be remembered.
“I thought it went really great,” said Spring Fling Prom Committee member Cathy Wojtas, who helped organize the Diva Day. “The ladies were excited, the staff was excited and everyone seemed to have a great time. I had one client come up to me and start crying when she had her dress and it made me cry too. It’s just so nice that they have a little shopping and princess time.”

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Industrial Operations Center Celebrates One Year

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since Special Tree’s Industrial Operations Center (IOC) opened its doors, but on March 27, staff and clients in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program celebrated their first year anniversary.
Pizza and drinks filled the tables usually reserved for vocational work projects and smiles were on everyone’s faces. After lunch, client awards were handed out along with t-shirts supporting the IOC. It was clear to see from the awards that the clients who participate at the center truly love their work.
“It’s a good environment, you can get a lot of work done and it’s a peaceful place to be,” said client Daniel D. “I’ve worked a lot in the wood shop with sanding and assembly. Today was a total blast.”
The 8,000 square foot center in Wayne is more than a change of environment for clients though – it’s a cornerstone of Special Tree’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program.   At the IOC, clients can chose from a variety of supported paid work opportunities depending on their individual needs, goals, strengths, and interests including light industrial assembly projects, antique restoration, and woodworking.  Jobs are broken down into simple steps so every client has the opportunity to work whether it’s one step or an entire job.   On-site job coaches work closely with clients to learn work skills and to increase independence and productivity.

Industrial Operations Coordinator Steven Kozmor oversees most of the IOC’s operations and said he is always impressed with the client’s work ethic and performance.

“I love coming to work, and that is the first time in a long time I can really say that,” he laughed. “Showing the clients new stuff is great. They’re very hard workers and it’s very rewarding.”