Monday, July 29, 2013

Client Shares Life-Saving Message in TV Interview

Did you know that a texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-texting driver?  Special Tree client Brandon L. is all too famliar with the dangers of texting while driving. In October 2010, Brandon nearly died when a distracted driver who was texting crashed into his car causing a severe brain injury from which he's still recoverying.

Brandon recently talked about his recovery and his campaign "Heads Up, Phones Down" to stop drivers from texting on Ask Dr. Nandi, a new health TV talk show taped in Troy, Michigan which airs daily on the Impact Network.  The show is nationally broadcast and we're so excited that Brandon will get his life-saving message out to such a large audience.  The episode on Distracted Driving will air at a TBD date, but you can watch a 60 second trailer at the link below.  You will need to enter a password to view the trailer by using the password:  nandi

Brandon has also made appearances at local schools, newspapers, and radio shows with the goal of inspiring others and to prevent further accidents like his own.   Through his website, Brandon also sells wristbands and t-shirts to people who take the pledge to stop texting and driving.  

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