Friday, April 1, 2011

Warmer Weather is Upon Us

Most of us would agree that it isn’t time to breakout the bikinis, but we are seeing the thermometer rise. Here at Special Tree we can't wait for things to heat up. Why? Well, with nicer weather we are able to resume work outside. Just this week a cement truck stopped by to pour concrete for the therapy service walk and the gazebo pad.  The exterior of the building is progressing too as siding and soffits were hung and our masonry team continued their fantastic work on the building that will house the oxygen!

Forms are set and cement is poured for the therapy walk

The newly poured pad that will serve as the foundation for our gazebo

A great view of the exterior of the building, showcasing the newly hung siding and soffits

The 'O2 enclosure' that will house the oxygen

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