Finding Inspiration
By Dawn Vezzetti, CBIS
Residential Program Manager
Trevino Residence
After being a Residential Program Manager for 7 years now, I am amazed at the inspiration that comes my way each day I come to work. This inspiration comes from many different sources. The clients; how can you not be inspired by someone who has had their whole life turned upside down yet finds the will to move forward in their recovery – they make me laugh, they make me cry and they remind me how precious life truly is since at any moment unbeknownst to me, I could be them. My staff; they are an extension of my leadership and they have made me proud to say I work at Trevino. My colleagues throughout the company, what can I say they’re the best. Each of them brings a unique talent to the table. My leader; he gives me the latitude to get my job done effectively and expects the best from me. He also keeps us thinking of new ways to improve our clients' quality of life each and every day. Special Tree as a company; they keep things moving forward by looking to new innovations in helping people with TBI and focusing intensely on world class service and results. And I can’t forget the Richert family since we are ultimately a family business at the end of the day. Their story alone inspires me to give my very best to them and our clients. I’m proud to say I work at Special Tree.
Dawn, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience.