Monday, October 28, 2013

Totally Buggin'

Today was not a good day to be an aphid at Special Tree’s “Ladybug Release Party” which took place at the new NeuroCare Campus greenhouse in Romulus.  Several staff, including CEO Joe Richert, and NCC clients stopped by to scatter hundreds of hungry ladybugs to feast on pest insects that are common in greenhouse environments. 
Greenhouse Coordinator Linda Davis got the party started by giving everyone a small plastic container of ladybugs and a spray bottle to moisten the plants to attract these  natural predators to their food source. Clients really enjoyed the activity, which Linda will repeat every few weeks to keep the optimal level of ladybugs in the greenhouse.

Special Tree’s newest and coolest facility will be used for many different programs including horticulture therapy, activities, vocational rehabilitation, and as a place to relax and/or visit with family.  Linda recently did a training with NCC Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists about therapeutic activities for clients including starting seeds, watering, and repotting plantings.  Clients in  Special Tree’s vocational program are currently growing a dozen different herbs that they’ll dry and package to sell in a few months.

“I encourage staff and clients to come in for a visit,” said Linda.  “Being in the greenhouse is so relaxing.  It’s warm, colorful, and smells wonderful!”

Stay tuned for more dirt on Special Tree’s new greenhouse!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Leaf Me Alone

Special Tree's Activities staff used the beautiful autumn leaves currently in abundance at our NeuroCare Campus to make this fun leaf craft with clients.  Here's how you can make one, too! 

What you’ll need: toilet paper rolls, pebbles or bark, leaves, twigs or pipe cleaners, wiggle eyes, scissors, glue stick, hot glue gun. 
How to do it:  Begin by hot gluing the leaf to the top of the toliet paper roll for the head.  Next, hot glue the twigs to the sides of the tube for the arms or make a small hole in the sides and slip the twig arms or pipe cleaner through the tube. Hot glue pebbles or small pieces of bark to the front of the tube for the buttons.  Finally, add wiggle eyes to the leaf head.